Sunday, January 1, 2012

Life is in the small things.

The thought occurred to me this morning while getting ready for church that a lot of readers might be asking themselves “Why are you being so transparent with your finances and your decision to live frugally?”  The more important question to me is why not? We are living during a time where many Americans are jobless, homeless and hopeless, yet our media is pushing their wares more than ever. I sat amazed this year amid the luxury car commercials and jewelry commercials portraying gifts that cost thousands as normal. Do these things show love and appreciation more than a thought out, lovingly chosen homemade gift or inexpensive gift? The answer is no, if anything it shows less thought. Who wouldn’t love waking up Christmas morning to a luxury car in their driveway or a diamond necklace? It is however, a rare treasure to open a gift that took time and energy from the giver to create. Or to find a gift that was chosen months before from a passing comment from the receiver. I want to bring hope to those that are struggling and show others that we don’t have to go in deep debt to be happy.
The gift that inspired this article and brought the tears was a packet of Crystal Lite Lemonade given to me by my husband, why you may ask. Because since losing weight I have craved lemonade like crazy and rarely go without it, but found myself out the week of Christmas and without the funds to buy it. My husband as a very loving and thoughtful gesture bought me this small gift. It showed me that he pays attention to me and that he cares about something so small. Where are the commercials showing these types of moments? Perhaps it would bring hope to those with low funds to show that you can bless someone you love without going into debt and spending a small fortune. That there is joy found in the little things, more often than in what we think are the big things. So I challenge you this year to listen to your loved ones, pay attention to their needs and bless their socks off with something small.


Unknown said...

I LOVE this post. I found your blog via link up for 31 days of nothing challenge and this post says it all. As I look around in our trailer house, I see nothing but God's goodness. Yes, we could have more but really it isn't about more, it's about the small things that bring happiness. Thanks for being transparent and inspiring others. :)

mom2six said...

Kudos to you for being honest. You do make yourself vulnerable to criticism but bring God glory in you not doing it on your own.

DeAnna said...

Thank you ladies for your encouragement and comments.