Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My tiny tornado of terror.

We are barely in the door from school, the backpacks are still in midair and the fighting and whining begin. There are a multitude of mistakes this Mama has made in the eyes of her youngest. Her underwear is too small (they are perfect), her hairbow was too big, I forgot to pack her lunch (she asked to buy her lunch today) and last but not least I did not pick her up early from school and I promised her a half day at sometime. She runs to her room, slams the door and starts crying. At this moment I have a decision to make, thankfully this is no longer lost on me. I can either show her kindness and Christ's love or I can let my emotions get the better of me and raise my voice and argue with her. I lower myself to her bed, scoop her up in my arms and share with her what God's word says about how we should treat others. I ask her if I can pray with her to help her attitude and get a pouty yes. We pray, she then wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a big wet kiss on the cheek. Then she says something very surprising "Mama I am so glad you love Jesus and Love me too." I breathe a prayer of thanksgiving that this time I made the right choice and showed Christ to my children. I pray that the next time I am in this situation God allows me the presence of mind to again choose a soft answer and His love over what my flesh demands. For in this is how my children will learn to follow our Lord and point others to Him.

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