Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekly Menu for Week of August 19

Our Oldest Sharing Dessert with her Cousin.


Since I am a Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) patient I am including what I eat daily color coded in purple. I hope this helps those of you on a journey to a healthier you!

Breakfast: Cereal and Toast (my breakfast Protein Shake w/ unsweetened Almond Milk)
Lunch: Peasant Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (just eat the peasant soup)
which is 1 can of veggie beef soup, 1 can Bean and Bacon Soup with 2 Cans Beef Broth or water.
Dinner: Sloppy Joes, Pan Fried Potatoes (sloppy joe filling and bake a sweet potato)

Breakfast: Buttered Grits and Juice ( Breakfast Protein Oatmeal)
Lunch: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches, Chips and Apple Slices (Apple Slices w/ Light and Fit Greek Yogurt)
Dinner: BBQ Chicken Leg Quarters, Mac n Cheese, Steamed Broccoli  (Chicken Leg, Steamed Broccoli w/cheese)

Breakfast: Cinnamon Sugar Oatmeal and Sausage (Old Fashioned Oats, Pecans cooked in unsweetened almond milk*)
Lunch: Ramen Noodles and Orange Slices (2 slices Deli Meat, One slice cheese and 3 cucumber slices with seasoning)
Dinner: Beanie Weenies and Corn Muffins (just the beans topped with a little sauteed onion)

*A neat recipe I got from my doc is to blend 1 part old fashioned oats to 1 part unsweetened almond milk. Cook in the Microwave then add sweetner of choice and a few nuts, yummy.

Breakfast: Cereal and Toast (Protein Shake & Unsweetened Almond Milk)
Lunch: Ham and Cheese Rollups, Cucumber Slices with Hummus
Dinner: Tangy Meatballs, Buttered Rice and Peas

Breakfast: Cheese Toast and Juice (Cottage Cheese)
Lunch: Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Chips and 1/2 Banana (Leftover Meatballs)
Dinner: Stuffed Pork Roast, Sauteed Green Beans and Onions

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs and Drop Biscuits
Dinner: Green Beans with Ham and Onions and Fruit for dessert
Snack: Glazed Yellow Cake

Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast and Milk (Scrambled Eggs with Sauteed Onions)
Dinner: Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans
Snack: Stuffed Celery Sticks

With school starting back we are trying to reign in our grocery budget so some of these meals are super simple. On the weekends we make a large breakfast so we don't do lunch but serve a snack that evening before bedtime, we do the same on Sundays. This helps the budget and gives our bodies a break from heavy eating.

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