Monday, August 26, 2013

Love notes in the morning.

The mornings this school year are a lot more peaceful than last year. However they are still rushed with 5 children to feed, get dressed and usher out the door (well 3 go out the door, the other 2 stay home and homeschool). I often wonder if they know how much I love them, that I pray for them throughout the day and I miss them terribly when they are not here. Well this morning as I was putting on coffee and our oldest was tidying up, she turned to me with a small purple square of paper in her hand and asked if I had seen it? My heart soared. It was a love note from our youngest, what a blessing, I felt loved, needed and cherished. Take the time today to let your family know that you love them and take the time to pray for them. What a beautiful legacy it will build!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! You have a sweetest kids.