Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 5 of no spending.

Today things get interesting. We are nearing the end of our Stevia reserve, dish detergent is running low and veggies are getting thin. However I am committed to not running out and buying more just because I can. In Sunday School we were talking about Daily Bread, and I do believe that lesson has prepared me for this week, it helped give me the proper perspective needed. Here in America we have more than we even realize. Even though things are running low (things we enjoy rather than need) I know we can and will make it to the end of the week with no problem. God has already met our needs over and above what we need. So I will not spend until I have to and we will be thankful for what God has provided. After all water is better than artificially colored fruit drinks and even tea sweetened with Stevia. There is nothing wrong with not spending and just enjoying what is.

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