Sunday, December 1, 2013

Days of Nothing Update.

Our elf Peppermint McSprinkles

We are still plugging away. However I must admit that with it being Christmas time. It stinks. I want to spend, spend, spend. However God keeps reminding me that if I were to give into that urge it would undermine what He is trying to teach us and it would hurt His provision for us during this time. So I will continue on. One thing I have noticed is our Christmas focus has radically changed. We are spending a lot of time at home, together as a family. We are playing games, watching our Christmas movies (many were unopened from last year, sad I know) and we have added an Elf, for Elf adventures. Now this was a splurge I allowed since it was radically less than the more popular Elf on a Shelf version and I had the money for her in my paypal account. We are also going to make advent ornaments this year, using stuff that we already have, so glad I save cards, tissue paper, etc. I enjoy the focus being on Christ and Family more than things and commercialism but I do worry what my children's reaction is going to be as they "compare" gifts come Christmas morning. I pray that we are able to cultivate a right heart attitude as God continues to grow us as a family during this time.

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