Monday, January 30, 2012

Your Children are Watching...

Friday morning I was sick in bed, Amarissa had come in to keep me company and asked her daddy if she could have breakfast in bed with me. He agreed and when he had finished cooking, brought breakfast to her on her favorite princess plate, with her strawberry shortcake spoon and he came in so happy and was joking around with her. Amarissa looked up at him with a big grin and her big brown eyes and said "Daddy you are prince charming!"

I am so blessed that my girls have a good man to grow up with. One who loves them beyond all measure and wants to please the Lord more than men (including his wife).  Girls if you don't have a husband please know that there will one day be a very impressionable life looking at your husband-to-be's every move. Please make sure that you pick a man who loves the Lord and wants to serve and please only him. In turn, he will please you and be all that your heart desires. Wives if you are currently married but you are thinking "My husband sure does fall short...". Pray for your mate and love him anyway.  God can and will do great things with him, our job is to love them and to build them up.

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