Saturday, January 7, 2012

When Frugality is Hard

The 31 day challenge has been a blessing, it truly has. However tonight it was also difficult. My husband's family wanted us to go out to a local restaurant and meet members of the family they had never met, they were so excited and we were included...yay! But we had committed to giving our budget 31 days to rest and heal, I was so torn when I had to say no. If we didn't have 5 small children we would have went and just had a glass of water and good conversation, but that doesn't work with little ones, so I stuck by our decision. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law were very understanding, let me just say what a blessing that is. This  just shows another reason why we should spend deliberately so when these opportunities pop up we have money budgeted for eating out. Being frugal isn't always the popular thing to do but it is still the right thing for us in this season in our life.

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