Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Getting back to Frugality

Since my surgery we haven't been as frugal as we would like. With my new diet demands food is more expensive. I was eating 5-6 small meals plus protein shakes and I like variety, that adds up to a high grocery bill. However all of this changes today. Today I was graduated to regular foods and only have to eat 3 meals a day. So it is back to being frugal for this household. I also hope to put my clothes line to good use. The weather has been unseasonably cool so that meant waiting to line dry. Drying our clothes outside really helps our electric and gas bills, which can climb into the $400.00 a month range if we are not careful. I also have plans to put two old fashioned screen doors in and a screen on the patio door so when Donald is at work we can turn off the AC and sweat it out, it isn't that bad, we have an inground pool. This too will help keep the utility bills down.

What are some of your tips and tricks for cutting costs during the summer months?

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