Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 days post-op, my happy little surprise.

This morning I got up with the mindset that I would wear smaller clothes, by goodness. I have lost a little over 50lbs so I should be able to. I tried on the bridesmaid dress that I wore back in October in my best friend Nicole's wedding. The bodice was alot bigger now than in October, however the waist not so much. Then I remembered that it was very snug then because it was made too small and that made me feel some better. Then I came across a pair of jeans that I had bought like 5 years ago and have never worn. They fit perfectly and I even have a waist!!!! Not something I had before. So I wore a cute t-shirt and my jeans out today with flip flops. I felt so girlie and normal it was a great feeling!


Breigh said...

Aren't those moments great! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm adding yours to my feed reader so I can stay up to date! :)

DeAnna said...

They are the best, and I want to thank you for your blog, it has become a lifeline for me during this time!